
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Foods that Cause Inflammation...Part ONE!

Part One - Inflammatory Foods  

  I tend to follow the blood type diet by Dr. D'Adamo.  I don't always follow it exactly, but I do use it as a good guideline.  You must also listen to what your body is telling you.  If you eat something and you feel bloated and uncomfortable after you eat it I would try eliminating it from your diet in the future.  You don't want to feed your body things it has a hard time digesting.  Be kind to yourself!  The following five foods tend to cause inflammation in most people and should be avoided.  Everyone has a unique physical make up but when speaking to my herbal consultant these foods are red flags for inflammation for everyone.


     This was the first thing I eliminated from my diet once I started my healthy make over.  Gluten is found in all wheat products.  The hull of the wheat plant contains over 20 nutrients that are healthy and beneficial to humans.  What tends to happen is that manufacturers process the hull, squeeze out the gluten (which has no health benefits), make white, processed flour from the gluten, and discard the rest of the hull that contains most of the fiber and nutrients.1  Gluten is a very sticky-stretchy molecule that acts like glue in your gut.  You might think back to kindergarten when you made glue out of flour and water.  If you eat white bread or pasta and drink water to wash it down you are left with the equivalent of kindergarten paste in your intestinal tract.  Talk about hard to digest!  This sticky substances causes inflammation in your GI system. 

     You might be thinking you can't give up bread, pasta, pancakes, biscuits, and bagels.  What kind of monster am I to ask of such a thing! LOL.  Truth is, there are a lot of healthy alternatives out there.  For example, I eat Ezekiel bread.2  This is a company that uses all organic ingredients (no GMOs, yeah!) and sprouts their grain first to ensure easier digestion.  Breads and pastas made from sprouted wheat and grains  are safe to eat as they contain many beneficial nutrients and a lot of fiber.  There is a lot less gluten in these types of food because it isn't the only molecule from that wheat hull being used.  Also, when you soak grains in water for a short time period and "sprout" them, the grain turns into a vegetable which makes it much easier to digest.  You can find sprouted grain bread, tortillas, pizza crusts, pastas, etc. in health food stores or the organic aisle in your grocery store. 


    Sugar, for me, was the not-so-fun "food" to cut out of my diet.  I was not as bad as a lot of people who wake up drinking Mountain Dew for breakfast and chomping on candy all day, but I did drink one or two sodas a day and liked sugary juices as well as chocolate cake and brownies.  Unfortunately, sugar is a highly inflammatory food and causes huge spikes in insulin levels, "bad" bacteria growth, and overall inflammation in our bodies.  The American heart association states that men should have 35 or less grams of sugar a day and women should have 20 grams or less a day.3  This is actually still a pretty lenient amount to be honest.  Think about it, there are about four grams of sugar in a teaspoon.  Ladies, we are still allowed to eat 5-6 teaspoons of sugar a day!  I actually think that's not so bad.  There is bad news for soda can of coke has 42 grams of sugar.  So soda is out!  It took me a week and a half to kick my soda habit.  I literally had to wean myself off of it slowly because otherwise I would get these horrible headaches...caffeine headaches, perhaps?  I'm not sure.  There is nothing healthy in soda, though, so please switch to water as soon as you can.  Your body (and pocket book) will thank you!  (I will post more on soda and some other healthy beverages later).

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